RVW said:-When a man can create something from nothing- not out of something else already existing, then I would have to reconsider my belief that humans are spiritual beings and of God's existence.---------------
Ksol said-Start reconsidering then:http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1997/09/970918045841.htm Yes, KSol. The light-a source that already exists. I stand by my original statement. ----------------------
Ksol-Einstein is the one who is credited with explaining matter (something) can be created from energy, and vice-versa (energy from matter is easier to do, obviously), with his famous E = mc².
Yes, Sol- Einstein's theory used a mathematical equation? From what source does it come from? In 1929,Einstein was asked whether he believed in God. Einstein responded:"I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not with a God who concerns himself with the fate and actions of human beings."
KSol said-NOW, prove to me not only that God exists, but that he created anything (whether matter or energy) from nothing.... Pretty hard to do, as God has to be something himself, right? Is he energy? So, who created the energy that he is made of? Himself?
Your statement disguised as a question is a good one, KSol. "Since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities- his external power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse" - Ro 1:20 NIV.
How did the Universe come to be? By a spark? The Big Bang? One of life's still unsolved mysteries that has neither been scientifically proven nor disproven.
Ksol said- It's easy to say impossible illogical nonsense, but simply ascribing them to something imaginary is no solution. I appreciate you holding back on your sarcasm and cynism .
Ksol said- BTW, you're assuming that matter and energy need to be created: says who? And KSol you're assuming that it did not.
(Edited- some lines and phrases I did not bold- are in bold)